Gamepad Vibration Test%3a How To Check Gamepad Is Working Or

I am using gamepad 'Quantum QH7468-2A' (2 WAY VIBRATION USB GAMEPAD). (Q.1) but i dont have any idea to, HOW enable/use its vibration functionality?? I tried it's driver CD coming with this gamepad's box. I also tried this driver. To check vibration is working precisely, first select “Left force” then “Right force” finally “both force.” You can feel the vibration if the motor inside joystick is working. If the vibration is not working, then there is something wrong with your gamepad or motor/circuit inside. IVIBRATE Ultimate Edition turns your gamepad into your own personal vibrator! Full gamepad support, steering wheel support, 30 vibration patterns, 10 vibration strengths, up to 8 simultaneous gamepads, one handed mode ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), wireless gamepad support, minimised play and more! Control your vibe!
but i dont have any idea to, HOW enable/use its vibration functionality ??
I tried it's driver CD coming with this gamepad's box..
I also tried this driver:
but i cant solve VIBRATION problem !!
VIBRATION is still OFF !
I can use it WITHOUT VIBRATION !! (All buttons are working properly WITHOUT VIBRATION)
I tried above all drivers on WIN 7 (32-bit)
after install above all drivers,
in win 7 (32-bit) I go to:
Control Panel >Device and Printers
here i can see 'USB Joystick' device,
but i CANT see 'USB Vibration' or 'Twin USB Vibration' !!
Why ??
(Q.2) Why I cant see 'USB Vibration' or 'Twin USB Vibration' ??
help me..
(Q.3) How can i enable vibration ??
(Q.4) How can i test/check vibration ??
I am waiting for any rply..
Download Latest USB Gamepad vibration driver:
Everyone wants to see their gamepad to vibrate. But, because of the improper driver, the gamepad doesn’t vibrate. I am going to share with you the best latest USB Gamepad Vibration Driver which support all the windows, Win 7, 8 and 10. The best part of this gamepad driver is that it supports on all the latest PC Games such as GTA V, FIFA 18, COD, NFS Pay Back, etc. Using this driver you can also test your gamepad’s buttons, whether it is working properly or not.
How To Enable Vibration In Gamepad In Win Win 7 8 And 10 ...
How to install latest USB Vibration Gamepad Driver
Best Gamepad for PC:
I have used this gamepads and review which is highly recommended for all latest PC games. The given PC gamepad supports in all the latest games such as Fifa 17, COD Black Ops 3, GTA V.
Redgear Smartline Gamepad: Best gamepad which supports both X-Input and D-Input. The best part is that this gamepad support all the latest PC games and you no need to download and install any third party application to enable vibration.
Quantum PC Gamepad: This is the cheapest gamepad you can get in any online retailing website and the best part is that this gamepad vibrates too. But you have to install a third-party driver (speedlink strike gamepad controller driver) which I have already shared with you in this post. Here, is the review:

Enter PC Gamepad: This is another budget PC gamepad which supports vibration and the good thing about this gamepad is, it is compatible with all the latest games available in the marker. Here is the review.