Fruityloops 4.5.2 Crack Load
Category: Products / pc software / s/w workstation
FL Studio is an efficient and powerful solution for producing music. It offers a unique user interface with a myriad of options that assist users of all experience levels. It is one of the most popular digital audio workstations for creating full-length songs in a professional way. Image-Line Software launched this software. Response to fruity loops 2004-10-22 14:09:08 At 10/22/04 02:07 PM, SpinTolk wrote: Go to and search for fruity loops. You can find FL 4 there.
Added: 08-May-99 | Author: admin
New price: discontinued (List $80 - $99) | S/H price: Not listed
Fruity-Loops appeared about a year and a half ago as a basic s/w drum-box around the time of the hammerhead s/w drumbox invasion...(note - Image-Line is now the s/w company making the new FruityLoops range of software)
Fruity-Loops was a basic but good drum-box s/w with a few facilities and interestingly, the ability to clock to midi and to select a midi note for each drum in the composition, so that you could assign a sample AND a midi note per track/drum-sound... good start, and it sold but like most s/w drums at that time it had limitations in the form of shuffle feel and time-sig, velocity per-beat etc... and... like it's younger sibling FruityLoops, it has unlimited tracks - (the limit is your pc's power)....
Well Fruity-Loops PRO is the bigger version, and it really gets in-depth now with a whole bunch of facilities to make some banging drum-tracks and way way more as it add's synth sounds mapped across keys to create melodic passages, as well as the ability to integrate a stand-a,one 303 type synth called the '404' which integrates in with Fruity-Pro to provide a rebirth-like 303 synth will full compliment of controls etc.... so - It'd be fair to say that Fruity-Loops PRO well surpasses rebirth in terms of creativity.... read on
First up the grid (above main image) - simple SET buttons - click on them to assign samples & midi note.... each drum or sample sound can have a BIGTIME set of parameters including res-filers, delay reverb, pan, volume, an overdrive-shaper thing to turm 909 kiks into huge gabba & hardcore monsters, a stereo-channel delay thing that widens the field by delaying one side of a drum sound etc... There is also a sine-wav additive thing that meges a sine into the sound... bust it in full and your drum sound starts toi take on a nmore and more synth-like ringing metallic sound.. I woukld say Fruity would do some very interesting Ambient/Abstract/or industrial sounds....
Here's the screen that sets the basic drum per channel.....
Fruity-Loops PRO also has another section for beat-by-beat editing of stuff like pitch, filter, keyboard etc..... you select a track which defaults to the basic grid for inputting drum beats like a Roland X0X style sequencer..... Then things get interesting.... you can select different edit views from this panel section Located below the START/ LOOP SWITCHES.
here's the mode selected to set Volume & Pan per beat !!... simple knobs that auto-enlarge when you mouse click on them for simple adjustment witout screen-clutter for layout - (that is one idea rebirth could do with as it's 808 & 909 buttons are very fiddly at higher screen-res's.... With this Edit-mode on, it's a cinch to get a perfect feel to your patterns by adusting the velocities ... and create dramatic pan effects with Pan-per-Note.....
Next we are in the Keyboard-mode... You can see it is like a keyboard, and you just create your synthline with the keys per beat....This can be used to input stuff like basslines utilising a bass-synth sample instead of a drum - great to create synthlines & the like.... BUT... you can do this to drums as well !!... great for any drum tuning fx all the way up to total drum loonacy !!...
With Fruity-Pro you can for example create a pattern where EACH drum note/beat can have a different PAN, VELOCITY, FILTER RES' & CUT-OFF and PITCH !!!....Add to that the ability to load ANY drum sound you have as a sample, and create pre-set kits that appear at the LEFT-Side drop down lists for fast loading, and you can see now how Reirth's drums start to pale in comparison.... and we didn't even think aout individual track FX & settings too !!... this is one incredibly versatile drum s/w.....
There is more - way more..... Like the integratable 'TS404' rebirth-like 303 synth - You can aget it as an upgrade if you have Fruity-Loops already, or with the programme as a package if you're a new user.... I suggest you crack over there right away and get a demo download - you will be impressed i can guarantee it.... Check it out and see what Fruity-Loops-PRO can do for you... Good site, they also do sample-packs etc.... and a tracker s/w to create finshed master-mixes with several Fruity-Songs.... Enjoy !!...
Producer David Bowes Beat Making Demonstration
Music Producer David Bowes demonstrates making some beat and music using Fruity Loops...
Professional Fruity loops trance Liquid Sight
Enjoy u guys From My Korg EMX-1 Drum machine...
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Category: Products / pc software / s/w workstation
Name: tore
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 10-May-99
Freaking good program. Cheap, good looking, easy to use, on the move for new features and so on.
Give it a try.
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Fruity Loops 4 5 2 Crack Loader
Name: CybaMerc
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 18-May-99
Excellent proggie for arranging loops and modifying samples. Easy to use and fairly responsive.
The TS-404 soft synth can produce some wicked Prodigy and goa'ish sounds but I don't get the upgrade price when it can be d/l for free @
It's the same synth - just without the fancy interface.
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Name: puffy
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 26-May-99
The pro edition really is the bomb! I can't get over how immediate and fun to use it is, compared to labouring over a soft-sampler and a sequencer like Cubase, which is a different kettle of fish anyhow I spose... but its great.
The edition of the TS module is most definately a bonus and unless I'm mistaken, the internal (software) rendering of the loops to wave files is calculated at 32bit, so the sound quality is excellent!
Lifetime free upgrades too, sez the website.
Very nice new look site too, Kilo.
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Name: moga marius
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Activity: Professional
Date: 27-May-99
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Name: Pietro Hudsonio
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not quite yet
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 29-May-99
I have Fruity Loops Pro and it is one hell-of-a kick-ass prog. For the price, it is perhaps one of the best pieces of music software available. The shareware version is no contest for the Pro. I use this program to make individual tracks and also to make loops for other stuff.
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Name: Rudolf
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 31-May-99
... not to forget the basic midi-capabilities. So its possible to loop the drums *and* sequence external synthesizers. Rating: The highest possible.
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Name: Esotera
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Date: 05-Aug-99
This s/w is instant gratification. I stumbled upon a cool little feature proging out a TS-404 pattern with the key per note feature by right clicking on the 1/16th note aheah of the active note, you get a 303ish pitch stretch/bend effect. On the down side rendered loops from this prog. can contain click and pop artifacts at the end points when imported into SawPlus32. Other than that snag, this s/w is pretty tight.
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Name: JT Static
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Date: 02-Oct-99
This program is just too good!! Easy and fast to use. The TS404 synth engine is much better than rebirth and you can use more than two! (great for goa style sounds) If you want more hook it up with simsynth 2 (it supports .syn files) and you'll be ready to rok. I must say this is the program I've been waiting for .. much more inspiring tool than those boring midi sequencers like cubase..
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Name: dsb
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Activity: part-timer
Date: 02-Oct-99
very nice software indeed, the best part is that it is so easy to use, just load up some drum sounds, filter, add delays and your up and running. the ts-404 sounds really good and in the latest version there is suport for simsynth and vst plugins.
highly reccomended!!
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Activity: part-timer
Date: 30-Oct-99
You forgot to mention it's awesome integration with SimSynth 2. It's a much more powerful s/w synth than the '404' and with it's step sequencer you can create riffs which, when imported into FRUITY LOOPS, will be rendered at the current tempo. It's an absolutely essential combination.
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Name: Neil
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 12-Jan-00
It's OK but not THAT amazing. I much prefer the Shuffle/Swing effects on Hammerhead. I can never get the MIDI export to work properly. The non-drum stuff sounds pretty amateur to me as do the demo tracks which is not exactly inspiring.
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Name: DR
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Activity: Professional,part-timer,Hobby-ist
Date: 22-Apr-00
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Name: k
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Activity: Professional
Date: 27-Jun-00
Fruity is the DON for that what hammerhead does, hammerhead is great, and can get good beats, but nothing like Fruityloops - add hammerhead wav's into fruity, and that is good too..
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Name: manx
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 15-Jul-00
sound like a nice beatmachine
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Name: guy with a good idea
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Activity: Professional
Date: 15-Jul-00
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Name: b-psycho
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Activity: part-timer
Date: 18-Jul-00
This thing does just about everything that you could think of. The tweakability & the 404 kick serious ass.
I have the 404 version w/ the VST plugins, and it's just mind-blowing. Pair an 808 drum pattern with the Degrade & Subsynth plugins and you will know why.
I have two gripes though, very minor ones: No actual 'undo' for the Humanize functions, and the 'shuffle' function sucks. Those are so minimal that I don't even bother using those, cause you can do those types of things manually anyway.
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Fruity Loops 4 5 2 Crack Loaded
Name: lunix
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 09-Aug-00
Great Stuff!!! This program is definitely one of the best I've used so far. Downloaded the demo version recently. Gonna get the full version. Cool website with soft synth & seqeuncer programs (Fruity Tracks). You can actually create tracks using Fruity Software.
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Name: julio
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 13-Nov-02
cool loops :)
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Name: julio
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 16-Jan-03
cool. i like it :D
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Name: freek-b
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Activity: Professional
Date: 11-Jun-03
i'm a really good rapper so i've hear'd help meget a deal
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Name: K3
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 07-Dec-03
Fruity loops is very good program
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Name: (joonojob)
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 31-Dec-03
well you see this is a great software
i was actually looking for a remixing software
but that was when i came upon fruityloops pro
i didnt have to do much to get it running as a remixing software
i used gold wave to split up the song i wanted to remix
then converted it in to a wav file and placed it the wave folder
then i used the awesome power of fruityloops to remix the song
and i ve got pretty good results too
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Name: paskl
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 16-Jun-07
how do i register to activate pianoroll option?
product fruityloops pro
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Fruity Loops Latest Version
Fruity Loops 10.0.9
- Released:
- Dec 13, 2011
- Size:
- 223.51 MB
- Downloads:
- 2,426
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Fruity Loops Popular Version
Fruity Loops 7.0.2 RC2
- Released:
- Jan 30, 2007
- Size:
- 74.92 MB
- Downloads:
- 3,244
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Select Version of Fruity Loops to Download for FREE!
Software Version | Release Date | Size |
Fruity Loops 1.0.0 | Dec 18, 1997 | 497.99 KB |
Fruity Loops 3.0 | Jun 1, 2001 | 7.10 MB |
Fruity Loops 4.1.0 | Apr 7, 2003 | 17.91 MB |
Fruity Loops 7.0.2 RC2 | Jan 30, 2007 | 74.92 MB |
Fruity Loops 10.0.9 | Dec 13, 2011 | 223.51 MB |
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Fruity Loops, now known as FL Studio, is a nifty little (well the old versions were little...the latest version is over 200 MB :) music sequencer.
Can't play the drums?, violin? trumpet, saxophone? OK you get the drift..Fruity Loops can play them all for you, literally!
In a nutshell Fruity Loops enables you to place prerecorded music samples of instruments, vocals, sound effects or any part of a recorded tune in the sequence of your choice within a time line. Then you can simply play it back in any order or fashion you want and also add smart effects to the playback.
At first fruity loops will seem scary to a new user, there are so many features and options. As you would expect at looking at a DJ turntable which has so many buttons and sliders, Fruity Loops is no different, but once you get the hang of it (Fruity Loops includes decent documentation) you will be creating awesome music in no time.
Fruity Loops was born in 1997 by its original creator Didier Dambrin. Fruity Loops Version 1.0 was literally a drum machine :) It then underwent a series of upgrades before it became FL Studio, an all powerful, feature rich music sequencer where you can literally produce the sound of an orchestra!