Story Of Blima Study Guide
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In the book The Story of Blima: A Holocaust Survivor, Blima Wachtel was a Jewish girl, who lived in Poland between the years 1936, and 1947, when the Holocaust took place. This was a very sad, and tragic time; one of the biggest catastrophes in history. Technician guide, the ride of my life a fight to survive pancreatic cancer, advances in agronomy volume 129, rexroth hydrotrac gft operation manual, case 440 440ct series 3 skid steer parts catalog manual, the midwifes sister the story of call.
Story Of Blima Study Guide Answer
The story narrates how religious bias and racial hatred creates a disturbance for the individuals, and brings destruction and trouble in society. The theme of this short story describes the tragedies the Jewish community faced under the Nazi German administrator. The novel narrates how a Polish national Jew young lady, named Blima, was arrested by the Nazi forces in order to keep her in some labor camp created for the Jews, against whom Nazi leader Adolf Hitler had severe hatred. Since Hitler thought the Jews as traitors, who were trying to weaken the German economy, he imposed different kinds of pains and sufferings upon them in order to take revenge from the Jews for supporting the enemies of Germany during WWI onward.

At first, the Nazi high-handedness was limited to the German Jews only; somehow, the same was committed against the Austrian and Polish Jews too after the German occupation of both these countries in 1937 and 1939 respectively (Speer 2003). Thus, the Jews had to run away to various countries, to save themselves from the Nazis (Diamont 2005). Blima was an ambitious young girl working in a bakery in her native country, when the Germans invaded and occupied Poland, and started making the rebel and resistant Polish people as their captives.
Although the entire Polish nation was the target of German hatred, the situation of the Jewish population was the most pathetic one, the members of which were boycotted, rebuked and abused in different ways. The boycott of the goods and services being offered by the Jewish community broke their financial backbone and left them at the state of poverty and disorder subsequently (Wachtel 19). Hence, the author has confirmed the existence of ethnic-racial hatred and prejudice during the first half of the twentieth century, which had its historical roots in the ancient times onward, since the time the Jews had been in conflict with various nations, cultures, and civilization for the last forty centuries.
They had to fight against the Egyptians, Romans, Babylonians and other pagan communities in ancient eras on the one hand, and their own factions, Christians, Muslims and Nazis in modern times on the other hand in order to maintain their unique and separate identity with the rival communities. However, the Nazis were the hardest enemies of the Jews, which insulted, tortured and even killed them during the course of time; financial boycott of the community was also an example of the same (Wachtel 15-6).
Story Of Blima Study Guide Pdf

The misery of the Jews did not end at the situation of their financial boycott; rather, both male and female members of the community were tortured and arrested, and were shifted to the labor camps; Blima was also one of those arrested during the time. She was boarded on the train to travel in miserable conditions as Nazi captive, along with several other men and women, during her shifting to the labor camp. Hence, here started the worst days of her life, where she had to face pains and woes, which was opposite to her peaceful life in her motherland.
Shirley narrates the story of how the Jews were horrified about their future, as their life and honor were in danger, and every type of unkindness could be expected from the Nazis after the outbreak of WWII.
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