Ispirer SQLWays™ Wizard is one of the tools that Ispirer Migration and Modernization Toolkit comprises of. It is a GUI tool designed particularly for the database migration. Using Ispirer SQLWays™ Wizard you can convert database schema, business logic objects (stored procedures, functions, triggers, views, packages, etc.) and data. Ispirer Migration and Modernization Toolkit Demo. To test the functionality of Ispirer MnMTK, you can try out its free demo. A one-month demo license key, information on license restrictions and download links will be sent to you via email. SQLWays is a database and application migration product capable of converting stored procedures, functions, triggers, database schema (DDL), data, SQL queries, scripts and applications. SQLWays guarantees migration process optimization to reduce your project costs.
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- SQLWays ™ is an innovative database migration product that easily converts all major databases to IBM DB2, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, MySQL. And other relational DataBase. Being a complete migration solution, SQLWays automates the entire migration process converting data, database objects, constraints and business logic.
The full version of SQLWays Database and Application Migration Tool can control the entire migration cycle providing high automation of all migration phases. SQLWays converts stored procedures, functions, triggers, database schema (DDL), data, views, etc. The tool is especially useful when you need to transfer large data volumes over a short or limited period of time. SQLWays is a very flexible tool, which can be easily customized for any migraiton project. The tool is used for: Database Migration SQLWays migrates an entire database including data, database schema, business logic and scripts between major database management systems. The tool supports the largest number of databases including all the leading and most legacy databases - from the latest to very old versions - and the list of supported databases and their versions is constantly growing. Supported source and target databases include MS SQL Server, DB2 z/OS, Progress, Interbase, HP NonStop and others. Embedded SQL/Database API Conversion SQLWays automatically performs comprehensive assessment and migration of embedded SQL statements and database API in various applications: Java, COBOL, PowerBuilder, C , C#/VB.NET, ESQL, ASP, ASP.NET etc. It supports conversions between ESQL, ODBC, Oracle OCI, Oracle Pro*C, Sybase CT/LIB, and other interfaces. It allows to dramatically decrease conversion risks and reduce time spent on the project. Application Conversion SQLWays can automatically convert applications between various platforms and programming languages. The list of source programming languages and platforms includes Progress 4GL, Informix 4GL, COBOL, PL/SQL, Oracle Forms, Delphi, Powerbuilder and others. The most popular target technologies supported by the tool are Java and C#.NET. SQLWays can also convert such parts of application as business logic, user interface and reports. The level of conversion automation can reach up to 95%.
Sqlways 3.7 Download
Ispirer's business is grounded on a cutting-edge migration tool SQLWays, which has the potential and powerful outcomes. It can take full control of the entire migration cycle providing high automation of all migration phases. SQLWays converts stored procedures, functions, triggers, database schema (DDL), data, views. The tool is especially useful when you need to transfer large data volumes over a short or limited period of time. Our IT professionals usually conduct comprehensive evaluation of our clients' migration needs to learn how they can tune SQLWays to run the project fundamentally and promptly. Database Migration SQLWays migrates the entire databases including data, database schema, triggers and scripts between major database management systems. The tool supports the largest number of databases including all the leading and most legacy databases - from latest to very old versions - and this list of databases and their versions are permanently extended. Supported source and target databases include Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, Sybase, Informix, Teradata, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Greenplum and others Embedded SQL/Database API Conversion SQLWays automatically performs comprehensive assessment and migration of embedded SQL statements and database API in various applications: Java, COBOL, PowerBuilder, C , C#/VB.NET, ESQL, ASP, ASP.NET etc. It supports conversions between ESQL, ODBC, Oracle OCI, Oracle Pro*C, Sybase CT/LIB, and other interfaces. It allows to dramatically decrease conversion risks and reduce time spent on the project. Application Conversion SQLWays can automatically convert applications between various platforms and programming languages. It is possible to convert applications from PL/SQL to Java, COBOL, Progress 4GL, Informix 4GL to C#.NET and others. In case of application conversion automation can amount up to 95% as SQLWays is capable to convert such parts of application as business logic, user interface and reports.