Sister Marriage Leave Application

Sub: Leave Application for Younger Sister Marriage. Sir, with due respect I have to say that my sister is getting married next week. You know that there is a lot of work to do when there’s a wedding in your family. I have to arrange almost everything since my father was paralyzed 6 months ago (Show your situation). Please consider my request and let me know if you approve. Sir, i beg to say that i am an employee of your company. I want to leave of three months to attend the marriage ceremony of my elder/younger sister. I want go to India. Request you to please grant me leave of three months from march to may. I will be thankful to you. Leave Application for Sister Marriage to Principal To, The Principal, Dear Sir, It is stated that I need two days to leave because of My Sister’s marriage held on the 2nd, and 3rd of Feb. She is my only sister, and I have many responsibilities to arrange, and manage everything on the above days. Please allow me to leave for two days.

Leave application for marriage : Marriage is an important and memorable event in the life of any person. Right from engagement to Honeymoon, there is a need for a long vacation. It means an employee must write a leave application for marriage to their boss or manager.

A marriage includes a lot of formalities and ceremonies during and after the marriage. Thus, there is a need for planning and taking some time from normal work duties. Getting married involves preparations. Thus, seeking permission for the leave, it is to be sent to the employer of the organization or the relevant authority in the department.

What is a leave application for marriage?

A leave application for marriage is an information to your manager about the leaves you need due to the marriage ceremony. Every employee can apply for leave besides the days off. It need not be necessarily his or her marriage leave, it can also be their siblings’ marriage that you may be seeking leave.

The leave application for marriage is to their department co-heads and managers highlighting their absence from work for a specific period of time. This leave application is in use for record keeping by the employer and the documentation to grant leave to the employee is taken. The leave application letter should be a formal document.

How to apply leave for sister marriage

Giving leave application early helps in making adjustments in routine office workings, allocation of duties to ensure the work schedules are run into without any delay.

Important points

  • Address the leave application to the applicable authority.
  • Mention the specific dates of leaving and resuming.
  • Attach the wedding invitation.
  • Use formal and polite language
  • Keep the letter short and accurate
  • Be clear while requesting and state the reason
  • At the end of the leave application, incorporate your signature
  • Do give your mobile number
  • Refer someone’s name to back you up in your absence
  • Sample 1

    Name of the Authority,
    Name of the company,

    Date (The letter writing date)
    Subject: Leave application for marriage letter

    Dear (Name of the Authority),
    I am (Employee name) from the (name of your department). I work as (your designation in full). I am writing this letter to inform you that my marriage is on (Specify the month and date).
    I want to avail leave from (the start date to resuming date). I am attaching my wedding invitation with this letter. There is a reception on (give the date in specific). I have invited our staff members. It will be my pleasure if you make it convenient to attend the party and bless us.

    Please treat my absence as informed leave and do the needful.

    Looking forward to hear from you,

    Thanking you,

    Yours Sincerely,
    (Employee name)
    Phone number

    Sample 2

    Date (Date of writing letter)
    Sub: ____________________________________________________

    Dear (Name of the Authority) ___________,

    I would like to bring to your kind attention that my marriage is on ____________. I am very much excited about the same and will definitely send you a formal invitation in few days. I am writing this letter to officially inform you that I would like to take leaves from ______ to _____________ in order to make some arrangements for my wedding.

    I have submitted all my reports to my team leader and there is no pending work left from my end. I hope you will take my request into consideration and grant me leaves for the above-mentioned dates.

    Thanking you,

    Yours sincerely,

    (Employee name in full with mobile number)

    Sample 3


    Leave application for sisters’ marriage

    Just like every other person, you definitely want to enjoy your sister’s wedding. Aren’t you? Whatever, you have to write to your employee a leave application for your sisters marriage so that you can work on the marriage arrangement details.



    The Manager, (Authority Name)

    Office Name,

    Office Address,

    Sub: (Leave Application For the marriage of my Sister)

    Respected Sir/Madam,

    With due respect, I (write your name in full) working in your office as (write your designation in full), want to state that, I am writing this letter to request you to give me (write the number of leave days) leave from work. I need this leave for my sisters’ wedding (or whatever, state your reason). My sisters’ wedding is on (Specify the date). I need leave from (mention the starting date of leave you want) to (the ending date).

    I need this leave to help my family to organize my sister’s wedding function. I request you to grant me leave, so that I am able to fulfill the duties of my sister’s wedding ceremony. I will be highly thankful to you if you sanction my leave application.

    Thanking You,

    Your Sincerely,

    (Your Name)
    (Your Designation)
    Contact No.


    Preparing for a wedding involves many preparations and it may affect performance and attendance at work. An employee can apply leave application for marriage mentioning the right reason for leave request. He or she should give relevant details, and specify the person who will handle your work in your absence.

    How to write Sister Marriage Leave Application. Leave Mail Application for Sister marriage. leave application for Sister marriage. Sister marriage leave application.

    Leave Application for Sister Marriage

    If you need a leave for your sister’s wedding, then this format will be very beneficial for you.



    Subject: Sister Marriage Leave Requast

    Dear Sir,

    I want to inform you that the wedding ceremony has been decided of my sister and the wedding has been scheduled on (May 7, 2021) in this (present) month.

    I request you to grant me leaves for (5 days) so that I can attend my sister’s marriage and bless her for new phase of life.

    Thank you

    Sister Marriage Leave Application For School

    Bajrang Meena

    Note; Please Change Name and Date.

    Sister Marriage Leave Application For Office

    Tags; leave application for sister marriage, sister marriage leave
    application for sister marriage, , leave letter for sister marriage, application for sister marriage in english, sister marriage letter in english,