Dr Blues Conditioning Program
Used with well-defined and explicit Return On Investment success in corporations worldwide, Six Thinking Hats is a simple, effective parallel thinking process that helps people be more productive, focused, and mindfully involved. A powerful tool set, which once learned can be applied immediately!
Blues Conditioning Method. Locally owned, not-for-profit, and nationally recognized, Freeman Health System has two hospitals in Joplin - Freeman Hospital West and Freeman Hospital East - as well as Freeman Neosho Hospital and Ozark Center – the area’s largest provider of behavioral health services – and two urgent care. Program Name: Workforce Training Program Assignment: $90,000,000 Description: This program will help unemployed and underemployed residents find employment by providing job training in skill areas related to recovery efforts. View Program FileActionProgram Guidelines (V2.0) - Updated Download Program Guidelines (V1.0)Download Cross Cutting Guidelines (V3.0) - Posted Download.
You and your team members can learn how to separate thinking into six clear functions and roles. Each thinking role is identified with a colored symbolic “thinking hat.” By mentally wearing and switching “hats,” you can easily focus or redirect thoughts, the conversation, or the meeting.
Dr.blues Conditioning Method

The White Hat calls for information known or needed. “The facts, just the facts.” |
The Yellow Hat symbolizes brightness and optimism. Under this hat you explore the positives and probe for value and benefit. |
Risks, difficulties, Problems – The risk management Hat, probably the most powerful Hat; a problem however if overused; spot difficulties where things might go wrong, why something may not work, inherently an action hat with the intent to point out issues of risk with intent to overcome them. |
The Red Hat signifies feelings, hunches and intuition. When using this hat you can express emotions and feelings and share fears, likes, dislikes, loves, and hates. |
The Green Hat focuses on creativity; the possibilities, alternatives, and new ideas. It’s an opportunity to express new concepts and new perceptions. |
The Blue Hat is used to manage the thinking process. It’s the control mechanism that ensures the Six Thinking Hats® guidelines are observed. |
Using Six Thinking Hats®, you and your team will learn how to use a disciplined process which will…
- Maximize productive collaboration and minimize counterproductive interaction/behavior
- Consider issues, problems, decisions, and opportunities systematically
- Use Parallel Thinking as a group or team to generate more, better ideas and solutions
- Make meetings much shorter and more productive
- Reduce conflict among team members or meeting participants
- Stimulate innovation by generating more and better ideas quickly
- Create dynamic, results oriented meetings that make people want to participate
- Go beyond the obvious to discover effective alternate solutions
- Spot opportunities where others see only problems
- Think clearly and objectively
- View problems from new and unusual angles
- Make thorough evaluations
- See all sides of a situation
- Keep egos and “turf protection” in check
- Achieve significant and meaningful results in a less time
Significant Applications for the Parallel Thinking Process of Six Thinking Hats
- Leadership Development
- Team Productivity, Alignment and Communication
- Creative and innovative thinking
- Meeting leadership and decision making
- Product and Process Improvement, and Project Management
- Critical, Analytical Thinking and Problem-Solving
- Organizational Change/Performance
- Wherever High Performance Thinking and Action is needed
Dr Blues Conditioning Program
COVID-19 Update
On March 30, 2020, a decision was made to cancel all in-person group treatment sessions provided by Blue Ridge Counseling, as a result of the stay at home order issued by Governor Ralph Northam. We are offering telehealth services until it is safe to resume face-to-face appointments. Please contact us at 540-639-9040, or by email at kfender@blueridgecounseling.com for additional information.
Blue Ridge Counseling
Blue Ridge Counseling is a private practice outpatient emotional wellness clinic. Regular office hours are by appointment only, Monday - Friday, 9am to 5pm. We have some weekend and evening hours.
519 Second Street
Radford, VA 24141 (map)
Phone: 540-639-9040
Fax: 540-639-9040

2728 Colonial Avenue
Suite 10
Roanoke, VA 24015 (map)
Phone: 540-343-5909
Fax: 540-343-5046
To Make an Appointment or Referral
Please call 540-639-9040 during our office hours. Confidential voice mail is available, and you may leave a message. Or, download our referral form. [MSWord] [pdf file]
About the Clinician
Dr. Keith E. Fender is the President and Clinical Director of Radford Counseling and Blue Ridge Counseling. Dr. Fender received a BSW in 1993, an MSW in 1996 and a PhD in 2000. He is currently a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, a Certified Sex Offender Treatment Provider, Clinically Certified Domestic Violence Counselor, and a Diplomate of the Board of the National Association of Forensic Counselors. He is a clinical member of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA).
He has qualified as an expert witness in the state of Virginia and North Carolina in forensic mental health cases involving violent offenders, sexual offenders, and issues regarding parental capacity. He has served as an expert witness on behalf of the Office of the Attorney General for Virginia, the Virginia Department of Corrections, and Federal Probation in the Western District of Virginia, as well as numerous private attorneys throughout the state of Virginia in Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court, Circuit Court, and Federal Court. He has served as a consultant and provided professional services for attorney's, clients, and individuals in Virginia, California, North Carolina, Maryland, Utah, Texas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.
Dr. Fender has consulted with law enforcement at the local, state, and federal levels on criminal investigations involving violent offenses, sexual offenses, and managing violent offenders and sexual offenders in the community post incarceration. He has provided law enforcement training in various capacities including the Sex Crimes School at the Cardinal Police Academy.
Dr. Fender opened Blue Ridge Counseling in 1996 and has treated a wide range of psychiatric disorders including mood disorders, anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders, cognitive disorders, personality disorders, and sexual disorders. He has operated batterer intervention programs in southwest Virginia since 1996 and the programs have been certified since 2000. He served as the Chair of the Virginia Batterer Intervention Certification Board for approximately ten years and is currently the Executive Secretary.
His other specialty areas include: forensic mental health, geriatric mental health, violence risk assessment, sex offender evaluations/treatment, and batterer intervention treatment programs. He has completed over 3000 domestic violence risk assessments since 1996. He is currently responsible for the operation of certified batterer intervention programs throughout Central and Southwest Virginia.
He has served his local community as a member of numerous domestic violence fatality review teams as well as domestic violence task forces throughout southwest Virginia. He has served at the state level on various boards to advance victim safety as well as appropriate treatment responses for domestic violence offenders including work with the Office of the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court of Virginia and frequent speaking engagements such as the Annual Judicial Conference in Virginia. He has served at the national level as a speaker and consultant to other states in their efforts to develop and implement treatment programs.
Dr. Fender taught at both the undergraduate and graduate levels at Radford University from 1998-2008 and he continues to serve as a guest lecturer in Criminal Justice and Social Work. He is currently assisting in several research initiatives aimed at improving intervention for violent offenders and sexual offenders. He has served on the Ferrum College Social Work Board for approximately ten years.
Dr. Fender started The Radford Counseling Group in 2000 as a specialty forensic mental health practice. The practice has locations in Radford, Virginia and Roanoke, Virginia, and serves central and southwest Virginia via satellite office locations throughout the commonwealth by way of public/private partnerships. Radford Counseling is currently contracted with the Virginia Department of Corrections, the Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice, and Federal Probation and Parole Districts throughout the state to provide substance abuse counseling services, psychosexual evaluations/risk assessments, individual sex offender treatment, and group sex offender treatment programs. He currently oversees the treatment of approximately 250 individuals in outpatient treatment.