Convert Psx Iso To Ps3 Pkg Games
Convert Psx Iso To Ps3 Pkg Unpacker. It is now properly mapped to the /PS3. It now checks the PARAM. SFO of the game and passes it to the cobra. Has same effect as opening. It is saved in the settings file. Three strings added to gui. Changes to the PASSIVE FTP mode. 3 for IOS, OSX, Windows, Linux, Android, Wii, Gamecube, PS3. Check Link:Info: you can also update to latest Multiman (link is at bottom instead of launch the ps2 manager)
Horse racing; Ice hockey; Karate; Olympics; Racing; Motorsport Cricket is a bat-and-ball game played between two teams of eleven players on an oval-shaped field. Top VIdeos. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /srv/users/serverpilot/apps/jujaitaly/public/index.php on line 447. 6) modified ps3netsrv for network games (net_host) 7) prepNTFS for PS3/PSX/BD/DVD ISOS stored on external NTFS drives. How to install webMAN on a Cobra CFW. V0.4.1. qCMA es la alternativa al Gestor de Contenido de PS Vita, pero con un importante cambio radical, el poder transferir contenido sin tener la última versión.
Aggiornato 1. 7 Marzo] CFW PS3. ITA COBRA 4. 6. 5 DEX V1. Mar. 92. 01. 5Ps.
Teamairart, Ky. Rt, Rancid(o), twingolover, Zz_SACRO_z. Z (Grazie Sacro ; ))AGGIORNAMENTO 1. MARZOAbbiamo aggiornato il CFW e il CFW Setup. Alcuni utenti si lamentavano del fatto che web.
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MAN se utilizzato assieme a CCAPI faceva freezare la PS3 al boot, ora questo non dovrebbe più accadere. NOTASe avete installato CCAPI e utilizzate la modalità NORMALE il programma System Manager verrà disattivato. Questo perchè CCAPI va ad inficiare il corretto funzionamento del System Manager. Purtroppo a questo non abbiamo trovato rimedio, se avessimo i source di CCAPI potremo fare qualcosa…Per installare il fix avete come al solito 2 opzioni– Installare e avviare la nuova versione del CFW Setup (v.
Download! o– Installare la nuova versione del CFW PS3. ITA COBRA 4. 6. 5 DEX (v 1. Download! La password è la solita: theallacacciatora.

IMPORTANTESe installate la nuova versione del CFW per modifcare le opzioni utilizzate la versione 5. CFW setup!! (utilizzare una versione inferiore farà regredire il CFW alla versione precedente)BACKUP MANAGER COMPATIBILI– multi. MAN v. 04. 6. 6. 1. Download! – Game Sonic Manager v. Download! – Webman integrato. NOTA: Ps. 3ita Manager non supporta questo CFW!!!![OLD] AGGIORNAMENTO 1.
MARZOShow ▼CCAPI– Usate la versione 2. NON utilizzate la funzione “set boot idps” per cambiare il console id, usate il nostro programma CFW Setup per cambiarlo!– Non caricate plugin aggiuntivi da usb[OLD] AGGIORNAMENTO 1. MARZOShow ▼Questo fixa l’errore (0x. D, freeze) che davano i giochi su disco in modalità NORMALE e COBRA. Avviate la nuova versione del CFW Setup (v. Update new_core done!” e la ps.
Provate i giochi che prima non andavano. Se non avete ancora installato il CFW potete saltare questo procedimento, il fix è stato integrato nella v. CFW, trovate il link a fondo pagina. ENGRISHUPDATED TO 1. MARCHWe have updated the CFW and CFW Setup.

This should fix the compatibility issue between web. MAN and CCAPI. No more freeze at boot of console! NOTEIf you have installed CCAPI and use the cfw in Mode NORMAL, the System Manager will be disabled. This is because CCAPI going to affect the proper functioning of the System Manager . Unfortunately we did not find a remedy to this, if we had source of CCAPI we will be able do something. To install the fix you have 2 options– Install and run CFW Setup v.
Download! or– Install the new version of CFW PS3. ITA COBRA 4. 6. 5 DEX (1. Download! Usual password: theallacacciatora. IMPORTANT (READ IT!!)If you install the new version of CFW4.
DEX (1. 0. 2) to change the options used version 5. CFW Setup (DON’T USE OLDER VERSION!
USE ONE OF THESE BACKUP MANAGER– multi. MAN v. 04. 6. 6. 1. Download! – Game Sonic Manager v. Download! – Webman integrato. NOTE: Ps. 3ita Manager does not support this CFW!!!![OLD] UPDATED TO 1.
MARCHShow ▼CCAPI– Use version 2. Do NOT use the function “set boot idps” to change the console id, use our program CFW Setup!– Don’t load additional plugin from USB device[OLD] UPDATED TO 1. MARCHShow ▼Fix for Game Disc in Mode Normal and Cobra (error 0x. D and no more freeze).
Install and start new version of CFW Setup (v. Try games that did not work before. NOTE: the procedure must be done only one time.
If you have not yet installed the CFW you can skip this procedure, the fix has been integrated into the CFW v. Siamo orgogliosi di presentarvi: CFW PS3. ITA COBRA 4. 6. 5 DEX V1. CARATTERISTICHE. – Possibilità di utilizzare il cfw in modalità COBRA o NORMALE **. Accesso diretto al PSN. Possibilità di cambiare automaticamente all’avvio della PS3 il console id con uno a scelta *.
Spoof al fw 4. 7. MAN 1. 4. 1. 1. 6 MOD [ps.
COBRA) ***. – System Manager integrato (solo modalità NORMALE). TMAPI, Pro. DG e CCAPI v. COBRA e in modalità NORMALE. Possibilità di effettuare screenshot in- game. Possibilità di utilizzare il “Remote Play ” da qualsiasi PC. Possibilità di riabilitare le opzioni “Utilità di Backup” e “Connessione al server multimediale” *. Supporto a React.
PSN. – Aggiunta icona PSN. Aggiunto new_core.
New_core sostituisce il file sys_init_osd. System Manager, del cambio del console id e della cancellazione dal lv. NORMALE è selezionata. Il CFW può essere installato direttamente dalla XMB dall’ OFW/CFW 3. DEX e da ogni CFW DEX avente il check dell’ spkg patchato (esempio: PS3. ITA 4. 5. 0 DEX, PS3.
ITA COBRA 4. 5. 0 DEX, PS3. ITA 4. 5. 5 DEX)PATCH– Rimosso ecdsa check da appldr, isoldr, lv. Rimossa la protezione della memoria del lv. Aggiunte le syscalls lv. Aggiunto al lv. 1 il supporto alle syscalls lv. COREOS– Patchato il file nas_plugin per permettere l’installazione di PKG Retail– Patchato il file autodownload_plugin e download_plugin per permettere l’installazione degli update dei giochi Retail– Patchato il file np_trophy_plugin e np_trophy_util per aggirare gli errori 0x. D7. 4 e 0x. 80. 02.
D1. 1– Patchato category_game_tool. Patchato il file vsh per aggiungere il supporto al React. PSN, permettere d’ effettuare uno Screen. Shot In. Game e abilitare l’acesso al PSN– Patchato il file premo_game_plugin e premo_plugin per permettere il gioco da remoto con il PC* CFW SETUP V5.
Il programma CFW Setup permette di gestire tutte le funzionalità del CFW. Cambiare la modalità da COBRA a NORMALE (e viceversa). Abilitare o disabilitare il plugin web. MAN (solo se la modalità COBRA è attiva).
Abilitare o disabilitare il system manager (solo se la modalità NORMALE è attiva). Cambiare la velocità della ventola (solo se la modalità NORMALE è attiva). Riabilitare le opzioni “Utilità di Backup” e “Connessione al server multimediale”. Cambiare il console id. Il console id inserito verrà automaticamente applicato all’avvio della console.
Ripristinare il console id originale (EID5)OPZIONE NON RELATIVA A QUESTO CFW– Installare o rimuovere lo spoof al fw 4. CFW 4. 5. 0 DEX, 4. COBRA DEX e 4. 5. DEXNOTAPer avere una descrizione più dettagliata su un opzione avviate il CFW Setup e premete il tasto START sulla funzione desiderata.** MODALITA’ COBRA (attiva di default).
Aggiunge un sacco di funzioni al cfw. Supporto alle ISO PSP, PSX, PS1, PS2, PS3. Avvio di backup da remoto. Avvio automatico di plugin (sprx) al boot della console (es.
MAN). – Supporto agli HD formattati in NTFSNORMALESe la modalità NORMALE viene attivata il cfw si comporterà come un normalissimo cfw dex e sarà possibile utilizzare il system manager. Nessuna opzione cobra elencata sopra sarà disponibile.*** WEBMANweb.
MAN è attivo di default. Permette di avviare i vostri backup direttamente dalla XMB e regola in modo autonomo la velocità della ventola. Lo sconsigliamo. ma. MAN e togliete la spunta da “controllo dinamico della ventola”BUGS CONOSCIUTI– Solito problema con le ISO PS2, sulle PS3 non retrocompatibili bisogna collegare il Pad tramite un cavetto USB– Alcuni (pochi) giochi su disco originale sembrano non funzionare in modalità cobra per ovviare al problema passate alla modalità normale. BROKEN ENGLISHFEATURES. Switch between COBRA and NORMAL mode **. Direct access to PSN.
Change automatically the console id at boot time *. Spoof to fw 4. 7.
MAN 1. 4. 1. 1. 6 MOD [ps. COBRA mode) ***. – System Manager integrated (only NORMAL mode). Full support to TMAPI, Pro. DG e CCAPI v. 2. 6. COBRA and NORMAL mode. Ability to perform in- game screenshots. Ability to use the “Remote Play” from any PC.
Ability to restore the options “Backup Utility” and “Media Server Connection” *. Support to React. PSN. – Added PSN icon.
Added new_core. New_core replaced the file sys_init_osd. System Manager, change of console id and removal of the stage. NORMAL is active. The CFW can be installed over OFW/CFW 3. DEX and each CFW DEX with spkg check patched (example: PS3. ITA 4. 5. 0 DEX, PS3.
ITA COBRA 4. 5. 0, PS3. ITA 4. 5. 5 DEX)SOMES PATCH– Removed ecdsa check from appldr, isoldr, lv. Removed “lv. 2 memory protection” of appldr– Patched lv. Core OS Hash Check– Patched lv. Patched category_game_tool. Patched VSH to add React.
PSN support, Screen. Shot In. Game and spoof 4.
PS3 Homebrew - Brewology - PS3 PSP WII XBOX. Payload support for: CEX: 3. DEX: 3. 5. 5, 4. 2. Changes in VSH PRX Loader 1. Joonie). * Added support for 4.
DEX. Changes in VSH PRX Loader 1. Nz. V). * Added support for 4.

CEX. Changes in VSH PRX Loader 1. Nz. V). * Payload modified (add get_vsh_process() in the payload instead of the loader). Now if cobra/mamba is detected the payload will be no more installed, and the loader will use cobra/mamba syscall.
Add success/error ring buzzer notification. Ring = Cobra/mamba was detect and used to load plugins. Ring = Cobra/mamba was not detected so the payload was used to load plugins. Ring = An error as occurred. Nz. V/PRX_Loader. Changes in VSH PRX Loader 1.
Joonie). * Added payload for 4. Joonie. * plugin's default path is now set to 'dev_hdd. PRXLOADER/plugins.
PRX loader by @user ]. Due to various VSH plugin loader usages on various Cobra cfw builds.
Changes in VSH PRX Loader 1. Joonie). * Added payload for 4. Joonie. * plugin's default path is now set to 'dev_hdd. Cobra's CFW]. * 4.
DEX support is fixed due to proper compilation. Changes in VSH PRX Loader 1. Joonie). * Added payload for 4.
Joonie. * Payload 4. Changes in VSH PRX Loader 1. Added payload for 4. Added lv. 2 protection patch(4.
Changes in VSH PRX Loader 1. Added support for cfw 4. Changes in VSH PRX Loader 1.
Fixed an issue on 4. CEX introduced in version 1.
Features of plugins via VSH PRX Loader. To add new plugins it is necessary to edit /dev_hdd.
PRXLOADER/USRDIR/plugins. Requirements. 4. 4. Firmware CEX or DEX with LV2 Syscall 1. Rebug). 4. 5. 0 Firmware with LV2 Syscall 1.
LV2 Memory Protection' patch. VSH Plugin Sample App. For FTP Server, connect to your PS3 from PC using a FTP client on port 2. For web. MAN (Web Server), connect to your PS3 on port 8.
PC, Tablet, Smart. Phone, etc.). . For Remote Peek/Poke, connect to your PS3 from PC using a telnet client (e.
Remote Peek/Poke Plugin by user. Run via PRX Loader (old remote p/p plugin has to be removed or replaced). Debug output looks weird in putty, try enabling the option: Terminal > Implicit CR in every LF. KB) by Dean. K. * Single plugin. FTP server 1. 0. 1. The reason to combine both in one is the issue with shutting down the PS3 when multiple plugins are loaded. Now both plugins work properly and system poweroff/shutdown works, too.
Also the plugin loads faster with PRXLOADER (of course, because it is just one file). You can also download the latest web. MAN 1. 3. 0 for CCAPI: http: //www. Changes in web. MAN 1. Added support for 4. CFW CEX (with patches from Habib to fix errors 8. Changes in web. MAN 1.
Removed [x] Aggressive fan control mode option, because it is now the standard way of setting the fan. Added Lowest fan speed: 2. PS3 fan. You will see a tick (enabled) only if you have fan control enabled in “Auto” mode. Decreased sprx size a bit and fixed few minor things. Changes in web. MAN 1.
Fan speed is not longer set to “PS2 Emulator” value if fan control is disabled. Fix report fan speed 0% when fan control is disabled. Improved the fan control algorithm. Changes in web. MAN 1. Fan control is supported on all CEX firmwares from 4. After unloading web. MAN with the combo (but not with /quit.
PS2 Emulator” speed. When PS2 ISO is loaded, web. MAN will set the fan speed to the value set for “PS2 Emulator”. MAN can use dualshock/controllers assigned to slots 1, 2 and 3 (0 to 2).
Added options in setup to disable selected PAD shortcuts/combos. Improved handling of web. MAN configuration data in memory.
Changes in web. MAN 1. Completely removed Estwald's fan control payload from web. MAN. * Removed all syscall interceptions required for fan- control. When you quit/unload web. MAN (manually or via PSNPatch) the fan control is returned to SYSCON. Added [x] Show PSP Launcher setting in [Setup] (next to PLAYSTATION(R)PORTABLE). Finally (the reason for the payload removal) the audio from the optical output is not interrupted anymore when fan speed is changed in auto- mode.
All former fan- control functions are now implemented using one simple syscall (sys_sm_set_fan_policy). KB) and plugin memory usage decreased, the stress on the system is now less. Ms Project Pro Ita 2007 Gsxr.
Changes in web. MAN 1. Keeping NTFS USB HDDs from entering sleep mode should now work (if you didn’t disable USB polling in [Setup]). Drives are checked every 2 mins. Titles with dot ‘.’ in their names are displayed properly in the popup when mounted. Enable/Disable /dev_blind is effective immediately when selected in [Setup], so no need for restart when you want to enable/disable writable /dev_flash. Added option: [x] Disable temperature warnings.
Changes in web. MAN 1. MAN can be unloaded from memory using the combo (L3+R3+R2).
If you press the combo (or use /quit. MAN unloaded!” popup message.
The combo SELECT+L3 will show the available space on the system storage (/dev_hdd. CPU/RSX temperatures.
Changes in web. MAN 1. Removed the option in [Setup] to select how many titles are displayed in one row. The icons will auto- fit any screen/device. Icons and titles are now properly aligned. The size of the generated HTML (and the used buffer) is smaller. Improved looks. Changes in web. MAN 1. 2. 7 (update #1).
Added notification popup when you load game (or use PREV/NEXT with SELECT+L1/R1). Added SELECT+R3 to show CPU/RSX temperatures in XMB or while in- game (while in- game press {PS} button and then SELECT+R3). Added support for sending messages to the PS3: http: //your_ps. Your message goes here…. Decreased “Standard” and “Max” memory footprints.
Added “System overheat warning! CPU: xx RSX: …” popup message if CPU or RSX temperatures exceed 8. C. * Fail- safe combo changed to SELECT + L2 + R3 + L3 (to delete boot_plugins. PS3). 1) Connect a controller using USB cable. Press the {PS} button to turn on the PS3. Immediatelly press and hold both [SELECT]+[L2] + [R3] + [L3]].
Do not release until your PS3 turns off and then back on. MAN will delete boot_plugins. PS3 immediatelly. After boot you’re in plugins- free environment.
Changes in web. MAN 1. A new fan- control option is added in web. MAN [Setup]. * “PS2 Emulator: ** % fan speed” – you can set the desired value (default is 3. PS2 emulator, or when the PS3 loads a system function (for database rebuild, firmware update, etc). Changes in web. MAN 1. If you use the key combo for switching prev/next titles (SELECT+L1 / SELECT+R1) the green led will blink for about 3 seconds to indicate eject/reinsert of the game/video (ISO).
Changes in web. MAN 1. Added support for 4. CEX + Cobra. * Updated the display of the default ISO icons on the web interface.
Changes in web. MAN 1. Removed auto- loading of last played game from NTFS drives. Last- games combo (SELECT+L1 / SELECT+R1) now remembers 5 games. Added small delay at startup to make sure fan- control and webserver load and start properly. Changes in web. MAN 1. Updated prep. NTFS to support PSX ISO (ISO/BIN+CUE) from NTFS drives.
Added support for PSXISO from NTFS drives to web. MAN. * Added option in [SETUP]: [x] Disable firmware spoofing. MAN will also look for covers in m. M format in its temp folder as /dev_hdd. BLES1. 23. 45. JPG. Changes in web. MAN 1. Added support for USB HDDs formatted with NTFS filesystem.
NTFS support for /PS3. ISO, /DVDISO and /BDISO content (PS3 Games, DVD Video and Blu- ray movies). Removed eject/insert function on non- cobra.
Changes in web. MAN 1. It is now possible to browse network locations (/net. Files] mode. * It is possible to mount remote folder (as /dev_bdvd) by clicking the '< dir'> ' entry. PSP Launcher is now present inside the 'PLAYSTATION(R)PORTABLE' group for easy access (1. Added option 'Disable PAD shortcuts (restart/shutdown/prev/next)' to [Setup]: It will make web.
MAN stop monitoring the pad for commands. The caching of network png/jpg images for games/videos was also improved. You may have to clear /dev_hdd. Refresh HTML] / [Refresh XML] if you have content scan disabled.
Convert Psx Iso To Ps3 Pkg Games Download
Changes in web. MAN 1. Covers/images from nethost (. PS1/PS2/PSP/PS3 ISO games and Blu- ray/DVD videos. FTP performance seems ok.