Chit Fund Software Excel Free Download
Mazechit tailors the chitfund operations virtually and has a standard track on finance & transactions.
Exclusive features of MazeChit software
Download and save the file to a folder on your computer (do not leave it in the downloads folder) Open the file in Excel (you need Excel 2016 / Office 365 to use this file. If you are using older version of Excel, you need free Power Query add-in) If prompted, enable “External connections”. Go to Data and click on Refresh all. A receipts template is free, customizable, and works well in a variety of situations. Use Excel’s classic blue sales receipt to provide detailed payment information to your customers. This sales receipt offers formatted fields for taxes, discounts, unit prices, subtotals, and more. A school sports team, band, orchestra, chess club,. Download Free Personal Finance Templates in Excel. Want to manage your debts payments, savings, and investments in a smart and easy manner? Now you can use MS Excel to manage Personal Finance such as Debt Reduction Calculator, Monthly Household Budget, Credit Card Payoff Calculator, etc.
Continual updation of tools and features
Easy Access
User Friendly
Highly Secured
Regular Alerts
Mobile app
Premium Features
Easy Access
Innovative technology made simple
MazeChit is a user-friendly chit fund software that can be easily accessed anywhere, any time without constraints. The chit fund management service can be integrated into a laptop, desktop or any smart mobile device. So the owner of the chit fund or the admin can access the reports, updates and transactions from multi-location.
If you own multiple branches, the information can be viewed or retrieved from your device from a single point of access, irrespective of whether you are in the office or home. Managing your business on remote gives you the flexibility to work from your place of preference.
User Friendly
Seamless operations online and offline
Works equally well in offline and online mode by providing great clarity and efficiency. The user can access and download emails, group posts and web pages even when he is offline with this application. This online chit fund software solution is effective offline and online for users who are on the move, even when there is no Internet access.
Multiple users like the admins, employees and subscribers can access the software simultaneously for seamlessly updating the transactions, reports, revenues and scheme charts.
Highly Secured
Personal data of members is intact
Any information of subscribers provided in the software is maintained using high-security wall ensuring confidentiality within the company. Members need not feel apprehensive to give mandatory details or their financial details to your company.
The security of information given by the member is protected by encrypted passwords, user based rights and auto logouts. The information uploaded into the chit fund application will not at any point be disclosed to anyone. No one can have access to the details as it is well secured with a firewall on priority.
Regular Alerts
Experience continuous updates
The updates on the payments and notification details are sent through emails and SMS services. The very purpose of this online chit fund software is to keep the members informed about everyday updates. As soon as a member pays an instalment, he will be notified with an SMS on receipt of the amount.
Similarly, when there are any dues to be paid by the subscribers, you can send a reminder SMS to them for follow up and payment. Instant SMS alerts and email services help the chit fund proprietor and the members to experience a smooth communication without a hassle.
Mobile app
Automating Chit funds operations at all levels
Mazechit's integrated mobile app can be installed in smartphones for complete and quick coordination between the administrator, clients and the customers. The prerequisite for using this app is a good mobile network or Wi-Fi. Using mobile Apps for the business allows the chit fund owner the flexibility in carrying out paperless transactions and complete transparency in collections, SMS notifications, auction schedules and facility to track down collections agents and their location. The subscribers find this App very helpful to follow up on their chit fund account as well.
Personalised to client’s preferences
MazeChit software is installed with default features and it can be customized according to the needs of the client company and their members as well. Apart from the Silver, Gold and Platinum packages, we have the option of customizing the application as per the customer’s preference. The chit fund software has the versatility to add or remove extensions of features for specific services.
Premium Features
With the technology and the work nature constantly evolving, we see to it that our clients receive the benefits of the software that takes business to the next level. To enjoy the competitiveness of the software, renew it every year and gain additional features to make business easier.
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MazeChit online software takes your chit fund business to the next level
Aggregate of active clients:
features4Custom Build
Highlights of MazeChit Software
Personalized Application
Custom designed, attractive dashboard to make it exclusively custom made for your company. Customers have the choice of installing the best-suited package offered by us. Are you confused about which package to buy? We can help customize your chit fund software to your business requirements.
Customer Support
After-sale customer support and technical support is provided all the year round. Our support team will be happy to assist you with every issue you encounter. You can subscribe for an Annual Maintenance Contract for comprehensive support.
MazeChit App offers simple, effective solutions to the company owner and his members where customers can access their account on the mobile device from anywhere; a great time-saver.
New feature releases
Our development team frequently update existing features and add new features. Usually, the customers’ requests and feedbacks are taken while updating the application on a regular basis. Our customers can avail the updated version of the software with complete support from our technical team.
Explore MazeChit Features Now
Full access to all tools and features.
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This spreadsheet was designed for people who want a simple way to track the value of their investment accounts over time. Every investment site or financial institution seems to have its own way of reporting results, and what I want to know most of all is simply the return on investment over time. That is why I have been using my own spreadsheet for the past decade to track my 401k and other accounts. This investment tracker template is what my spreadsheet evolved into. You can read more about it below.

⤓ Excel (.xlsx)⤓ Google SheetsLicense: Personal Use Only (not for distribution or resale)
'No installation, no macros - just a simple spreadsheet'
This template was designed to provide a simplified way to track an investment account. It boils everything down to tracking only what you have invested and the current value of that investment. It doesn't track cost basis and should not be used for tax purposes.
Although some explanations are provided in the Help worksheet and in cell comments, the spreadsheet does not define every term and every calculation in detail. It is up to the individual to make sure they understand what is being calculated. For example, this spreadsheet does not distinguish between realized or unrealized gains.
Disclaimer: This spreadsheet is NOT meant to be used for calculating anything to do with taxes. The spreadsheet and content on this page should not be used as financial advice.
Why Track an Investment with a Spreadsheet?
I use a spreadsheet only as an ADDITIONAL way to track accounts. I'm not suggesting that it is the best way or that it should be used in place of reports generated by the advisor or financial institution. Below are a few reasons why I use this spreadsheet to track investments.
Reason #1 - A Consistent Way to Compare Different Types of Investments
Having a consistent way to look at return on investment makes it possible to compare real estate investments to stock brokerage accounts or 401(k) accounts or simple savings accounts. Though there may be subtle differences or even major differences between accounts, especially when considering the effects of taxes, the simplest way I have found to compare different investments is to compare market value or total return to what I put into it (the total out-of-pocket investment).
Although there are many metrics that can be used to compare returns for different types of investments, my favorite is to use the effective annualized compound rate of return. In this spreadsheet, that is calculated using the XIRR() function. For a one-time investment, this results in the same rate as the CAGR formula (see my CAGR Calculator page). However, the XIRR() function lets you take into account a series of cash flows - such as making additional monthly investments.
Excel Online
Reason #2 - Learn how things work
I like to try to understand how investments work, and that is why I like using a spreadsheet. I like to see and to try to understand the formulas so that I can better understand what is being reported.
Chit Fund Software Excel free. download full
Unfortunately, the ability to enter and edit formulas also makes a spreadsheet error-prone. I would not recommend using this investment tracker unless you are comfortable using Excel and can identify and fix errors that may be introduced.
Reason #3 - Fees, Dividends, Interest Earned, Re-investments, Cost-Basis, Realized vs. Unrealized gains, ...
All these issues are important, but they can also be distracting when I am only trying to compare my out-of-pocket investment to the total value of the investment.
Sometimes the information about what has come out of my pocket is lost when using only the online reports generated by a brokerage or financial institution. This may be due to fees, re-invested dividends, or whatever. Using a separate spreadsheet allows me to track what I want to track instead of relying only on the financial institution's statements.

Handling Investment Income
Investment income that remains within your account as cash (or reinvested) will generally be included automatically in the total value of your account. However, how do you handle investment income that you withdraw or that you have automatically deposited into another account?
You may want to track the investment income separately and do your own calculation for return on investment. You can use the blank columns to the right of the table to track whatever numbers you want (that's the great thing about using a spreadsheet). For example, you might calculate a separate ROI value that includes the total income withdrawn from the account using a formula like ( Current Market Value + Total Income Withdrawn - Total Invested ) / Total Invested.
Recording a Withdrawal from an Account
The market value you enter will already take into account the withdrawal, so the question is how to adjust the Total Invested amount. For some accounts, you might withdraw only from the principal invested, so you can enter a negative value in the Amount Invested column to adjust the Total Invested.
If you want to continue using the overall %Gain/Loss as an indicator of how well your investment is doing, you can calculate the amount to subtract from the Total Invested using the formula = Withdrawal * Previous Total Invested / Previous Market Value.
Chit Fund Software Excel Free Download Pdf
This formula was derived based on keeping the Total %Gain the same before and after the withdrawal (assuming no change in the market during that time). This represents withdrawing a portion of the principal as well as a portion of the gain. This formula is not meant for official cost basis calculations, but it can be useful for basic investment tracking.
Excel Free Download For Windows 7
XIRR Function for Calculating Annualized Return
This spreadsheet uses the XIRR() function to calculate the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows. In this case we are using it to calculate the annualized compounded rate of return.
The spreadsheet also calculates a running XIRR value and a 6-period XIRR value (meaning the annualized rate of return based on the last 6 periods). These formulas are fairly complex because they are array formulas that use nested IF functions (thanks to TonySaunders for this idea). The 6-period XIRR function will get messed up if you delete rows from the table.

Note: If you are only entering information from your monthly statement, you may not be capturing the actual date that investments are made because in this spreadsheet the XIRR() assumes that amounts invested in column B are invested on the date specified in column A.
Chit Fund Software Excel Free Download For Windows 7
- XIRR Function at - See this page or press F1 in Excel and search for XIRR to see the help regarding this function.