Char Mugen Marvel Vs Capcom Guests
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Marvel vs Capcom styled characters who are not originally from a Marvel vs Capcom game. 131 Marvel vs Capcom Styled. Description - Super Marvel vs. Capcom: Eternity of Heroes (SMvC: EoH) is a fan collaboration to create a fighting game based on the popular Marvel Versus Series made by Capcom. Previously known as Marvel vs. Capcom: Eternity of Heroes, this game for M.U.G.E.N features 100+ playable characters on various fighting arenas. Excuse me, i think i got the awnser, how do i gonna make the Marvel Characters power effects from Marvel Vs Capcom 2 into Capcom Vs Snk 2 effects, liked Thor, his final moves after calling Gods Of Asgard, Beta Ray Bill & him lift the opponent, his wind effect just Haohmaru from SNK Samurai Showdown, except the color, they're different. Subject: Re: Ryuko Matoi Sega vs. Capcom Guest Character no. 1 April 6th 2018, 7:12 pm The mobility looks a little awkward yet,the sword attacks at strange directions. Anyway congrats for releasing. Would you watch a Marvel Vs Capcom movie? DarkDoc: 8: 3/28 8:28PM: Marvel vs Capcom 3 missions help required Help: Gaarafan: 5: 7/29 4:02PM: Capcom to release 'multiple major new titles' by March 31, 2021: Duallton: 29: 7/26 9:48AM: Marvel vs Capcom 3 missions help required Help: Gaarafan: 5: 7/29 4:02PM: Capcom to release 'multiple major new.
Sort by: Date · Name · Rating · Comments · Downloads · ViewsMarvel vs. Capcom Series | Views:5165 | Downloads:1622 | | Date:2012-09-19 | Comments (0) |
Marvel vs. Capcom Series | Views:2395 | Downloads:561 | Date:2012-08-28 | Comments (0) |
Marvel vs. Capcom Series | Views:1569 | Downloads:444 | | Date:2012-03-04 | Comments (0) |

Marvel vs. Capcom Series | Views:1733 | Downloads:633 | Date:2012-01-30 | Comments (0) |
Marvel vs. Capcom Series | Views:3338 | Downloads:857 | Date:2012-01-30 | Comments (0) |
Marvel vs. Capcom Series | Views:2656 | Downloads:652 | Date:2012-01-29 | Comments (0) |
Marvel vs. Capcom Series | Views:4105 | Downloads:1235 | Date:2012-01-29 | Comments (0) |
Marvel vs. Capcom Series | Views:3109 | Downloads:781 | Date:2011-11-07 | Comments (0) |
Marvel vs. Capcom Series | Views:1750 | Downloads:609 | Date:2011-11-07 | Comments (0) |
Marvel vs. Capcom Series | Views:3173 | Downloads:792 | Date:2011-11-07 | Comments (0) |
Previously known as Marvel vs. Capcom: Eternity of Heroes, Super Marvel vs. Capcom: Eternity of Heroes (also known as SMvC: EoH) is a fan collaboration to create a fighting game based on the popular Marvel Versus Series made by Capcom. The game is set to feature 100+ playable characters on various fighting arenas.
Following the December 2007 release of the Marvel vs. Capcom: Eternity of Heroes, the game project entered a new stage with upgrades including the use of a newly release Highres Win Mugen engine, new screen visuals, a new soundtrack, a new logo and an infusion of new Mugen authors participating to bring even more playable characters to the game.
The most recent release occurred on May 31st, 2010 and continues in the public beta testing stage. Development continued on into 2011, promising to bring continued surprises to the table.
- Developed by the Infinity Mugen Team
- Project Manager: Acey
- 2002 M.U.G.E.N Engine: Elecbyte
- Screen Pack: Acey
- Story Boards: Acey, ZVitor, Tenspeed & Jedah12
- Lifebars: Iron Fist & Acey
- Hitsparks & Hyper Background FX: Acey
Char Mugen Marvel Vs Capcom Guests Today
- Alpha version 1.0 - 10/25/2007 (Private Release)
- Alpha version 2.0 - 11/16/2007 (Private Release)
- Alpha version 3.0 - 12/09/2007 (Private Release)
- Alpha version 4.0 - 12/15/2007 (Private Release)
- Alpha version 5.0 - 12/24/2007 (Private Release)
- Beta version 1.0 - 12/25/2007
- Beta version 1.1 - 01/03/2008
- Beta version 1.2 - 01/07/2008
- Beta version 1.3 - 02/13/2008
- Beta version 2.0 - 02/14/2008
- Beta version 3.0 - 05/01/2008 (Private Release)
- Beta version 3.1 - 10/06/2008 (Private Release)
- Beta version 3.2 - 12/15/2008 (Private Release)
- Beta version 3.3 - 12/30/2008 (Private Release)
- Beta version 4.0 - 12/31/2008
- Beta version 4.1 - 12/31/2008
- Beta version 4.2 - Not released
- Beta version 4.3 - Not released
- Beta version 4.4 - 02/16/2009 (Private Release)
- Beta version 4.5 - 03/02/2009
- Beta version 4.6 - 03/03/2009
- Beta version 5.0 - 09/01/2009 - 05/28/2010 (Private Dropbox)
- Beta version 6.0 - 05/31/2010
- Adon by Iron Fist
- Akuma by Vyn
- Amingo by Kong
- Anakaris by Kong
- Arthur by Acey & Sludge
- Baby Commando by Junior Blader, Acey & The Anvil
- Balrog by Scar
- Banshee by Acey & KillaCroc
- Bass by ChAoTiC
- Beast by Acey
- Blackheart by Kong
- Blanka by Acey
- Cable by Kong
- Cammy by Alchemist
- Captain America by Acey
- Captain Commando by RedHot
- Captain Marvel by Acey & eSkRo
- Captain Mar-Vell by Acey & Iron Fist
- Charlie by RedHot
- Colossus by Kong
- Crashman by Laspacho & Excursion
- Cutman by Excursion
- Cyclops by RedHot
- Dan by Scar
- Deadpool by The Unlimited
- Dee Jay by Scar
- Donovan by Kong
- Dr. Doom by Kong
- Evil Ryu by Vyn
- Firebrand by Acey & The Great Matsutzu
- Galactus by Excursion
- Gambit by RedHot
- Gill by Kong
- Green Goblin by Acey
- Guile by RedHot
- Haggar by Acey
- Hayato by Vyn
- Hulk by Kong & Acey
- Huitzil by Jedah12
- Hulk 2099 by Acey
- Human Torch by Acey & x-boy
- Hydron by Trasgo7
- Ibuki by Kong
- IceMan (Capcom) by Excursion
- Iceman (Marvel) by Kong
- Ironman by Kong
- Jedah by Kong
- Jill by Sludge
- Jon Talbain by Sabaki
- Juggernaut by Acey
- Ken by Scar
- Kenji by Sabaki
- Lilith by Sludge
- Lou by Laspacho, The Anvil & Trasgo7
- M. Bison by Kong
- Magneto by Kong
- Marrow by Sludge
- Megaman by ChAoTiC
- Metalman by Laspacho & Excursion
- Morrigan by EMW
- Morph by The Anvil & Acey
- Mr. Fantastic by ZVitor
- Ms. Marvel by UltraRoboNinja & ZVitor
- Omega Red by Kong
- Oro by Kong
- Poison by Span, Riccochet, Dampir & Acey
- Protoman by ChAoTiC
- Psylocke by Sabaki
- Punisher by aPoCaLyPsE , Wucash & Excursion
- Rockman by Kong
- Rogue by Kong
- Rolento by Acey
- Roll by Kong
- Ryu by Scar
- Sabretooth by Sludge
- Sagat by Scar
- Sakura by Alchemist
- Sean by Scar
- Sentinel by Kong
- Sentry by Acey
- Servbot by Kong
- ShumaGorath by Sludge
- Silver Samurai by Kong
- Silver Surfer by Acey & x-boy
- SonSon by Kong
- Spider-man by Sludge
- Spiral by Kong
- Storm by Kong
- Strider by Kong
- Symbiote Onslaught by Excursion
- T.Hawk by Scar
- Thanos by Kong
- The Thing by Warner
- Tron Bonne by Kong
- Venom by Sludge
- Violent Ken by Scar
- War Machine by Kong
- Wolvenom by Dark Talbain & Sabaki
- Wolverine by The Anvil, Acey
- Wolverine Bone Claw by Vyn
- Wonderman by JasonTodd , Daraku & ZVitor
- Zangief by One Winged Angel
- Air Force Grounds by DG
- Baxter Building by Dead-X
- Brooklyn Bridge by Acey
- Brooklyn Bridge Night by Acey
- Castle Terrace by DarkValentine
- Club Jamika by Iron Fist
- Commando City by Acey
- Cutter by Eternaga
- Daily Bugle by Kung Fu Man
- Dr. McCoy's Lab by Dragonesku
- FF Way Out by x-boy
- Forgotten Base by Jedah12
- Galactus Outpost by Excursion
- Ghosts n' Ghouls by Acey
- Green Might by Dragonesku
- Ibuki’s Village by Jedah12
- Icelarn by Trasgo7
- Infinity Moon by Eternaga
- Infinity Requiem by Juan Carlos
- Japanese Shrine by Juan Carlos
- Las Vegas by Scar
- LilithGarden by Dead-X
- Lotusland Productions by Acey
- Mansion Grounds by Dead-X
- MM Boss Arena by Acey
- Mojo World by Immortal
- Museum of Marvels by Acey
- Mutant Hunting by Juan Carlos
- Neo St. Petersburg by One Winged Angel
- New York Skyline by Kung Fu Man, Acey
- On Top of the World by Tiago Frossard
- Outer Space by Italian Stallion
- Providence by Jedah12
- River Dawn by Mgbenz
- Shadowloo Base by Scar
- Space Observatory by Juan Carlos
- Space Observatory by Juan Carlos
- Stark Industries by Juan Carlos
- Suzaku Castle by DG
- Tamagawa Minami High School by Jedah12
- The Lost Lake by Tiago Frossard
- The Temple of the Tiger by Scar
- U.S. Docks by DG
- Under Construction by Iron Fist
- Underground by Span
- Underworld by Juan Carlos
- Walk in the Park by Teros
- Wily Castle by Span
- Winter Island by Sasuke-Kun
- Winter Island Night by Iron Fist
- WWII Poland by Acey
- Capcom Logo by Tetsuya Shibata
- SMvC Intro - It's a Dream (remix) by i2abbitz
- Title Screen - EoH by Guitar Entertainment Company
- Select Screen - EoH by Guitar Entertainment Company
- Arcade Intro - Mastery of the Golden Dragon by Nilakantha
- Arcade Ending - HumbleBeginnings, Sweet Agony & Mysterious Figure by i2abbitz
- SMvC Credits - Tatsumakisenputronic by Star Salzman
- Ghosts n' Ghouls (Arthur) by Wanka Factory
- Baxter Building (Human Torch) by Namco
- Underworld (Blackheart) by Takayuki Iwai, YukiSatomura, Tatsuri Zuzuki
- Brooklyn Bridge (Green Goblin) by Carey Chico
- Brooklyn Bridge Night (Venom) by Carey Chico
- Cutter Stage (Cutman) by Carey Chico
- Club Jamika (Dee Jay) by Nilakantha
- Dr. Henry McCoy's Lab (Beast) by RaCe45
- Moon Base (Dr. Doom) by Carey Chico
- Gou Hibiki (Dan) by RaCe45
- Green Might (Hulk) by RaCe45
- Air Force Grounds (Guile) by Yuji Toriyama
- Final Fight (Haggar) by Nilakantha
- Icelarn (Hydron) by Nilakantha
- Winter Island (Iceman) by Chom Studio
- Winter Island Night (Roll) by Chom Studio
- Infinity Moon (Symbiot Onslaught) by Carey Chico
- Stark Basement (Iron Man) by RaCe45
- U.S. Port (Ken) by McVaffe
- Las Vegas (Balrog) by Nilakantha
- LilithGarden (Lilith) by Masafumi Takada and Jun Fukuda
- Lotusland Productions (Hulk 2099) by Carey Chico
- Acolytes (Magneto) by Carey Chico
- Mansion Ground (Jill) by Nilakantha
- Mega Man Arena (Megaman) by ŒõŽû—e
- Museum of Marvels (Cable) by Nilakantha
- Mutant Hunting (Juggernaut) by Carey Chico
- Underground (Akuma) by Nilakantha
- Daily Bugle (Spider-man) by RaCe45
- Neo St. Petersburg (Zangief) by Nilakantha
- On Top of the World (Banshee) by Nilakantha
- Suzaku Castle (Ryu) by Malcos
- Sentry Skyline (Sentry) by Nilakantha
- Shadowloo Base (Cammy) by McVaffe
- Japan (Silver Samurai) by Nilakantha
- Space (Captain Marvel) by Nilakantha
- Walk in the Park (Talbain) by RaCe45
- Infiniti Requiem (Thanos) by Takayuki Iwai, YukiSatomura, Tatsuri Zuzuki
- The Lost Lake (Blanka) by Carey Chico
- The Temple of the Tiger (Sagat) by McVaffe
- Under Construction (Oro) by Nilakantha
- Wily Castle (Metal Man) by ŒõŽû—e
- River Dawn (Wolverine) by Takayuki Iwai, YukiSatomura, Tatsuri Zuzuki
- World War II (Captain America) by Nilakantha
- Mojo World (Spiral) by Takayuki Iwai, YukiSatomura, Tatsuri Zuzuki
- Commando City (Baby Commando) by RaCe45
- Anita's Lair (Anita) by Scar & O Ilusionista
- Castle Terrace (Punisher) by RaCe 45
- Galactus Outpost (Galactus) by RaCe 45
Char Mugen Marvel Vs Capcom Guests
Individuals listed as contributors in any mugen character's read me file contained in the project has been listed here.
- [E]
- Adrob
- Akito-Sama
- Alexziq
- Android Shogun
- Antediluvain
- aristotle
- Aztec Soldier
- BlackJack
- Bloodninja
- Brennan Underwood
- Brice
- Buyog
- Byakko
- Calamix
- Captain Storm
- Cloudius
- Comedy Haha
- Corntortillas
- Cyanide
- Dave Littler, aka god_king
- David Cornish
- Dcat Power
- deanjo2000
- DJ Delone
- donald22
- Dreamslayer
- Dshiznetz
- Earle F. Philhower,
- elevator_kart
- Enscripture
- Erradicator
- FerchogtX
- Fervicante
- Fr33dom87
- gaara6666
- Gaijin
- GCNMario
- GinobuffyGuy
- GohanSSM2
- Goten88
- Grim
- Guan Foo Wah
- ItalianStallion
- Jason Todd
- Jinzo
- K.O.D.
- K3nShiN
- Kamek
- Ken34
- Kilerwitek
- Kojunho
- LegendaryxM90
- Liquid Chameleon
- Loganir
- MaDMaN
- Majita
- Mambojambo
- Mario Fong
- Mature4evr
- Mautek
- Mega-Force-Power
- Moonmaster1
- Mudy
- Mugenchina
- Nabeshin
- Nemu
- Neocide
- Nobuyuki
- novasod
- Orochi Trio
- Ove Kaaven
- P.O.T.S.
- Peter Wang
- PuReEvil0z
- Pyramid Head
- Rage
- Reza
- Roken
- Ryou Win
- Sepp
- Shawn Hargreaves
- Shick Dingo
- Sigfried
- Snake
- Splode
- Springheel
- sreveR
- Stever76
- Sunboy
- Tammy Ryan
- Taskmaster0
- Tenspeed
- The Dude Z
- Tomislav Uzelac
- tunglashor
- warcueid
- WhiteMagic2002
- Wucash
- Wuwo
- X-Fields
- Z666
Below is the preview video for the Christmas 2008 release of the Super Marvel vs. Capcom project.
Current Release of 2010 Super Marvel vs. Capcom: Eternity of Heroes Version 6.1